Waverly House

Reproduction of photograph by J. E. H. Stimson, from Appleton, Wis., Illustrated (1892)
Used with the permission of the Appleton Public Library

Captain Henry Turner, along with Colonel Nathan Morgan built and operated the Waverly House, the first in the West "electrically lighted in every room."

The hotel was on the northwest corner of Lawrence and Appleton where a city parking ramp is now located. The 1889 publication Appleton, Wis., Illustrated stated:
"This model hotel is centrally located near the business portion of the city, and is conducted by W. H. Cottrell, whose reputation as a genial and liberal host extends all over the Northwest. The better class of travelers who visit Appleton on business or pleasure seek shelter at the Waverly. The building is a fine brick structure four stories high, wih mansard roof. The first floor is occupied by a commodious office, reading room, sample rooms, and large dining room. The cuisine of the Waverly has no equal outside of the largest cities; it is conducted on the most liberal basis, insuring the rarest viands the best markets afford. The hotels is lighted throughout with the incandescent electric light, and heated by steam. The guests are provided with every requisite for comfort and convenience."

Portion of: Foote, C. M. 1849-1899. (Charles M.); Brown, Walter S. Plat book of Outagamie County, Wisconsin, (1889). The city of Appleton: west central part, p. 23. Used with permission of the Appleton Public Library.